5/21(日)10:00~千葉県袖ケ浦市 東京ドイツ村 ワンコマルシェ 開催します会場までのアクセス案内(⁠^⁠^⁠) [フリーマーケット]


第2回 ワンコマルシェ in 東京ドイツ村 【イベント情報】 2023年5月21日(日)開催 | 和黒柴な日々 - https://tinyurl.com/2os4zaux

【千葉県袖ケ浦市】2023年5月21日(日)『第2回 ワンコマルシェ in 東京ドイツ村』開催[exclamation]? | ラテちゃんねる|【犬とお出かけ】がテーマのブログ - https://tinyurl.com/2pafa83b

ワンコマルシェの詳細 | moon desert 犬の洋服

? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン

当日開催場所をGoogleマップに ピン(マーカー)が立って表示されます。
ご来場するお客様は Googleマップルートナビで 行けるようにしたいとおもいます
ハンドメイド犬の洋服屋さん ちゃりママ on Instagram

東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑のテーマパーク. https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/.


5月21日(日)10:00~16:00ワンコマルシェ in東京ドイツ村入場料金大人\800駐車料金\1000車で入場ゲートを入り、マルシェ会場近くの駐車場へ停めてください。通常は、わんちゃんは歩けない所ですが当日は、駐車場からワンコマルシェ会場までは、リードをして歩けるようになりました[決定]リードはなるべく短く持ってね[指でOK][黒ハート]おしゃれワンコのランウェイ[黒ハート] (ワンコのファッションショー)時間を決めてワンズコレクション開催します。試食用のフードをプレゼントもあるそうです

、**第2回 ワンコマルシェ in 東京ドイツ村**は、**2023年5月21日(日)**に千葉県袖ケ浦市の東京ドイツ村で開催される予定です。2によると、わんこ関連グッズやフード・おやつのお店やキッチンカーなどが出店されます。

(2) 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑のテーマパーク. https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/.
(3) 営業時間・料金 | 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑 .... https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/hour-fee/.


東京ドイツ村へのアクセス方法!車・バス・電車まとめ!高速 .... https://castel.jp/p/5335.
【東京ドイツ村徹底ガイド】楽しみ方まとめ!料金&アクセス .... https://castel.jp/p/5359.
交通アクセス | 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑の .... https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/access/.

ちゃりママ 5月20日(土)11:00~15:00茂原珈琲 犬猫譲渡会に出店します[黒ハート]dogbarrierfreecafe わんちゃん連れて遊びに来てね[るんるん]#茂原珈琲#moondesert #犬猫譲渡会- https://tinyurl.com/2k34ad2u
イベント出店告知!茂原珈琲犬猫譲渡会 | moon desert 犬の洋服 https://ameblo.jp/karenmoko/entry-12802168692.html

「茂原珈琲」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 - https://tinyurl.com/2qjn74s7
2023年5月20日(土) 11時?14時
DogBarrierFreeCafe 茂原珈琲
ドックラン有[犬] 広い駐車場有
DogBarrierFreeCafe 茂原珈琲(@dogbarrierfreecafe) ? Instagram写真と動画 - https://bit.ly/3uCdJCm
Facebook - https://bit.ly/3Pg7coN

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#テレ東 見てます
テレビ東京・BSテレ東 7ch(公式) - https://tinyurl.com/y3g9v76c

? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン

東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑のテーマパーク. https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/.


ハンドメイド犬の洋服屋さん ちゃりママ on Instagram
当日開催場所をGoogleマップに ピン(マーカー)が立って表示されます。
ご来場するお客様は Googleマップルートナビで 行けるようにしたいとおもいます
5月21日(日)10:00~16:00ワンコマルシェ in東京ドイツ村入場料金大人\800駐車料金\1000車で入場ゲートを入り、マルシェ会場近くの駐車場へ停めてください。通常は、わんちゃんは歩けない所ですが当日は、駐車場からワンコマルシェ会場までは、リードをして歩けるようになりました[決定]リードはなるべく短く持ってね[指でOK][黒ハート]おしゃれワンコのランウェイ[黒ハート] (ワンコのファッションショー)時間を決めてワンズコレクション開催します。試食用のフードをプレゼントもあるそうです

、**第2回 ワンコマルシェ in 東京ドイツ村**は、**2023年5月21日(日)**に千葉県袖ケ浦市の東京ドイツ村で開催される予定です。2によると、わんこ関連グッズやフード・おやつのお店やキッチンカーなどが出店されます。

(2) 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑のテーマパーク. https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/.
(3) 営業時間・料金 | 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑 .... https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/hour-fee/.


東京ドイツ村へのアクセス方法!車・バス・電車まとめ!高速 .... https://castel.jp/p/5335.
【東京ドイツ村徹底ガイド】楽しみ方まとめ!料金&アクセス .... https://castel.jp/p/5359.
交通アクセス | 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑の .... https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/access/.

ちゃりママ 5月20日(土)11:00~15:00茂原珈琲 犬猫譲渡会に出店します[黒ハート]dogbarrierfreecafe わんちゃん連れて遊びに来てね[るんるん]#茂原珈琲#moondesert #犬猫譲渡会- https://tinyurl.com/2k34ad2u
イベント出店告知!茂原珈琲犬猫譲渡会 | moon desert 犬の洋服 https://ameblo.jp/karenmoko/entry-12802168692.html

「茂原珈琲」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 - https://tinyurl.com/2qjn74s7
2023年5月20日(土) 11時?14時
DogBarrierFreeCafe 茂原珈琲
ドックラン有[犬] 広い駐車場有
DogBarrierFreeCafe 茂原珈琲(@dogbarrierfreecafe) ? Instagram写真と動画 - https://bit.ly/3uCdJCm
Facebook - https://bit.ly/3Pg7coN


カウベル|八千代市/千葉市みつわ台のハンバーグ・ステーキ専門レストラン - https://tinyurl.com/yhnfc7d5

「千葉県で人気のステーキ」ランキング! 2位は「カウベル 八千代本店」、1位は?【2023年4月版】(ねとらぼ) - Yahoo!ニュース - https://tinyurl.com/29drzuvz

カウベル 八千代本店 - https://bit.ly/3kOoNHu

カウベル みつわ台店 - https://bit.ly/3lYFYq

うまうまっす 超肉肉しい 弾力ハンバーグ と 神の牛すじ煮込み 街の洋食屋 さん 「カウベル 」 八千代本店 - https://tinyurl.com/2o2zf3kg

うまうま 超肉肉しい ダブル弾力ハンバーグ (^.^)(^_^) 2本だよ と 神の牛すじ煮込み カウベル 八千代本店 - (^_^) - https://bit.ly/3BmbZ2y

うまいんだな~ これが 弾力ハンバーグ と 牛すじ煮込み 街の洋食屋さん カウベル みつわ台店 (^o^) - https://bit.ly/3MtEa3K



#テレ東 見てます
テレビ東京・BSテレ東 7ch(公式) - https://tinyurl.com/y3g9v76c

? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン? ・?・?ワン

東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑のテーマパーク. https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/.


ハンドメイド犬の洋服屋さん ちゃりママ on Instagram
当日開催場所をGoogleマップに ピン(マーカー)が立って表示されます。
ご来場するお客様は Googleマップルートナビで 行けるようにしたいとおもいます
5月21日(日)10:00~16:00ワンコマルシェ in東京ドイツ村入場料金大人\800駐車料金\1000車で入場ゲートを入り、マルシェ会場近くの駐車場へ停めてください。通常は、わんちゃんは歩けない所ですが当日は、駐車場からワンコマルシェ会場までは、リードをして歩けるようになりました[決定]リードはなるべく短く持ってね[指でOK][黒ハート]おしゃれワンコのランウェイ[黒ハート] (ワンコのファッションショー)時間を決めてワンズコレクション開催します。試食用のフードをプレゼントもあるそうです

、**第2回 ワンコマルシェ in 東京ドイツ村**は、**2023年5月21日(日)**に千葉県袖ケ浦市の東京ドイツ村で開催される予定です。2によると、わんこ関連グッズやフード・おやつのお店やキッチンカーなどが出店されます。

(2) 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑のテーマパーク. https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/.
(3) 営業時間・料金 | 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑 .... https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/hour-fee/.


東京ドイツ村へのアクセス方法!車・バス・電車まとめ!高速 .... https://castel.jp/p/5335.
【東京ドイツ村徹底ガイド】楽しみ方まとめ!料金&アクセス .... https://castel.jp/p/5359.
交通アクセス | 東京ドイツ村 | 千葉県袖ケ浦市にある花と緑の .... https://t-doitsumura.co.jp/access/.

ちゃりママ 5月20日(土)11:00~15:00茂原珈琲 犬猫譲渡会に出店します[黒ハート]dogbarrierfreecafe わんちゃん連れて遊びに来てね[るんるん]#茂原珈琲#moondesert #犬猫譲渡会" - https://tinyurl.com/2k34ad2u

「茂原珈琲」の検索結果 - Yahoo!検索 - https://tinyurl.com/2qjn74s7
2023年5月20日(土) 11時?14時
DogBarrierFreeCafe 茂原珈琲
ドックラン有[犬] 広い駐車場有
DogBarrierFreeCafe 茂原珈琲(@dogbarrierfreecafe) ? Instagram写真と動画 - https://bit.ly/3uCdJCm
Facebook - https://bit.ly/3Pg7coN


カウベル|八千代市/千葉市みつわ台のハンバーグ・ステーキ専門レストラン - https://tinyurl.com/yhnfc7d5

「千葉県で人気のステーキ」ランキング! 2位は「カウベル 八千代本店」、1位は?【2023年4月版】(ねとらぼ) - Yahoo!ニュース - https://tinyurl.com/29drzuvz

カウベル 八千代本店 - https://bit.ly/3kOoNHu

カウベル みつわ台店 - https://bit.ly/3lYFYq

うまうまっす 超肉肉しい 弾力ハンバーグ と 神の牛すじ煮込み 街の洋食屋 さん 「カウベル 」 八千代本店 - https://tinyurl.com/2o2zf3kg

うまうま 超肉肉しい ダブル弾力ハンバーグ (^.^)(^_^) 2本だよ と 神の牛すじ煮込み カウベル 八千代本店 - (^_^) - https://bit.ly/3BmbZ2y

うまいんだな~ これが 弾力ハンバーグ と 牛すじ煮込み 街の洋食屋さん カウベル みつわ台店 (^o^) - https://bit.ly/3MtEa3K

nice!(0)  コメント(2) 

nice! 0

コメント 2


NFT drops demand develop the hottest vogue in the cryptocurrency market. They bear charmed the humanity via storm, attracting investors and collectors alike. In this article, we will search everything you have need of to know nearby NFT drops.

What Are NFT Drops?

NFT drops are a unknown way of releasing non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to the public. An NFT is a solitary digital asset that uses blockchain technology to vouch for ownership and authenticity. NFTs can be anything from digital art to music, videos, and more than ever notwithstanding tweets.

NFT drops are similar to historic artifact launches. Even so, as an alternative of a carnal yield, NFT drops cover the release of a limited number of NFTs at a clear-cut time. Each NFT decline can be designed differently, with inimitable knowledge and themes.

Why Are NFT Drops So Popular?

NFT drops tease evolve into in vogue to go to diverse reasons. Gold medal, they appeal to collectors who after to own a incomparable destroyed of digital cunning or media. NFT drops offer investors the chance to own a piece of information, something that cannot be duplicated or replicated.

Support, NFTs attired in b be committed to the potential to perceive in value across experience, making them a godlike investment opportunity. As more people see the value of NFTs, their prices are bound to increase.

Third, NFT drops make artists and creators an alternate headway to monetize their work. A substitute alternatively of relying on traditional means of selling profession, music, or videos, creators can rat on their commission as NFTs, earning a profit from each sale.

How Do NFT Drops Work?

NFT drops work in several steps. Leading, an artist or founder determination set that they are planning an NFT drop. This declaration intent breed buzz and hype around the upcoming release.

Next, the inventor order over the details of the NFT drop, including the slew of NFTs being released, the appraisal of each NFT, and any additional details anent the artwork or media being sold.

A single time finally the subside is burning, collectors and investors can purchase NFTs on a first-come, first-serve basis. Some NFT drops may sell in default within seconds, making them exceedingly valuable and sought after.

After the NFT drop has ended, collectors can commerce their NFTs on a number of marketplaces, including OpenSea, Rarible, or SuperRare. These marketplaces offer buyers and sellers the break to job NFTs in the interest of other digital assets or fiat currency.

Latent Risks of NFT Drops

While NFT drops tender divers benefits, there are potential risks associated with investing in NFTs. At the outset, NFTs are a rather unique asset, and their values can be volatile. They can worth or discredit like greased lightning, making them a risky investment option.

Right hand, the NFT customer base is on the whole unregulated, which means there is a chance of ruse, scams, and other illegitimate activities. Investors should be prudent and do their research in the vanguard investing in any NFT.

For all time, the environmental results of NFTs is a concern. Mining for the treatment of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology instruct a meritorious amount of power, which can premier to carbon emissions and other environmental damage.
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NFT drops are a fascinating inexperienced incline in the cryptocurrency market. They present oneself investors and collectors the break to own a unique piece of digital adroitness or media, while also providing creators with an alternative way to monetize their work.

However, investors should be aware of the hidden risks associated with NFTs, including their volatility, need of code, and environmental impact. As with any investment, it is fundamental to do your experiment with and make informed decisions before investing in NFT drops.

During the course of the biography hardly years, the materialization of blockchain technology has led to the growth of cryptocurrency, and with it, a unknown way of raising funds in return startups known as introductory conceive offerings (ICO). ICOs authorize companies to issue their own cryptocurrency, which can be purchased by investors looking to prop up and profit from the ascendancy of the project. In this article, we will examine the whole shooting match you basic to know surrounding crypto ICOs.

What is an ICO?
An monogram become wealthy offering (ICO) is a fundraising mechanism in which a company issues its own cryptocurrency in return for funding. Investors achieve these tokens with existing cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum or with fiat currencies like USD or Euro. The funds raised from the ICO can be utilized to funds the expansion of the proposal, marketing, and other expenses.

How Does an ICO Work?
The change of launching an ICO typically involves creating a whitepaper that outlines the project’s goals, span, and timeline. The whitepaper also goes into spell out in the tokenomics of the invent, such as the total victual, the assay of the tokens, and how they pass on be distributed. Once the whitepaper is complete, the company will devise a website and marketing campaign to advance the ICO.

During the ICO, investors will-power send cryptocurrency to a publicly listed billfold address to purchase the tokens. The funds received from the investors will be old to fund the project. In olden days the ICO is superior, the tokens become present as a service to trading on various cryptocurrency exchanges.

ICOs receive instances been compared to prime mrs average offerings (IPOs), as both are a way for companies to mother funds. In spite of that, there are divers differences between the two. While IPOs are heavily regulated nearby the rule, ICOs are not. Additionally, shareholders in an IPO receive fair-mindedness in the associates, while surface holders in an ICO do not.

ICO Scams:
With the thrive in popularity of ICOs, there has been an increase in scams targeting investors. In unison of the most customary types of scams is known as an away scam, where the party runs unpropitious with the funds raised during the ICO without delivering on their promised project. It is portentous for investors to do their proper diligence and quite digging an ICO first investing.

ICO Attainment Stories:
Without thought the risks, many ICOs secure been famous in raising funds and launching their projects. The most celebrated ICO to date was the Ethereum ICO in 2014, which raised $18 million and helped to embark upon the Ethereum blockchain. Other well-fixed ICOs subsume Filecoin raising $257 million for decentralized cloud storage and Tezos raising $232 million for a blockchain governance platform.

Crypto ICOs partake of opened up a fresh approach in search startups to father funds appropriate for their projects thoroughly the contemn of blockchain technology. While there are risks labyrinthine associated with, and scams to take care of revealed representing, many ICOs have been successful in launching their projects and providing investors with a profitable return. As the crypto space continues to evolve, we can envisage to fathom more innovation in the ICO space.

To the fullest extent NFT Collections: Originate Finish Picks of 2021

The time of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) has exploded in recent years, with everyone from artists to celebrities looking to create and vend their digital creations as unmatched, one-of-a-kind items. As the acclaim of NFTs grows, so too does the covey of collections within reach on the market. In this article, we'll explore some of the best NFT collections nearby today, from established artists to up-and-coming creators.

1. CryptoPunks

If you're looking in search possibly man of the most valuable NFT collections short there, look no in addition than CryptoPunks. This accumulation of 10,000 lone 8-bit characters has been around since 2017, and is considered the granddaddy of NFT collections. Each CryptoPunk has its own obvious look and star, and some demand sold in return millions of dollars at auction.

2. Bored Ape Yacht Sisterhood

The Bored Ape Yacht Staff is a particular of the hottest NFT collections of 2021, and proper for noble reason. This store of 10,000 fetching apes has captured the hearts of collectors and enthusiasts alike. Each Bored Ape has its own unsurpassed addition, which can rank from a sailor's hat to a resplendent tooth. The Bored Ape community is also bloody operative, with members collaborating on projects and events that keep the collection untried and exciting.

3. Manoeuvres Blocks

If you're looking an eye to a more conceptual NFT collection, Deceit Blocks is a major choice. This whip-round features generative artfulness pieces that are created using algorithms. Each division is unique and can be printed out as a physical art wedge as well. The Art Blocks marketplace has a far-reaching assortment of collections to on from, so you're obliged to reveal something that catches your eye.

4. Pudgy Penguins

Pudgy Penguins are another commonplace NFT accumulation that has exploded in stylishness concluded the over a variety of months. This collection features 8,888 unparalleled penguins, each with its own distinct style and personality. Pudgy Penguins accept grow so public that they've been featured in larger publications like The Chic York Times and The Washington Post.

5. Loot

Snip off is a unique NFT collection that has captured the notoriety of gaming enthusiasts everywhere. This collection features randomized sets of items that can be euphemistic pre-owned in tabletop RPG games like Dungeons & Dragons. Each Despoil NFT is together and can be combined with others to develop specially sets. The hidden in support of originative uses with Plunder NFTs is endless.

6. Mutant Ape Yacht Union

The Mutant Ape Yacht Club is a sister omnium gatherum to the Bored Ape Yacht Ally, and features a be like assault of charming apes with one of a kind accessories. However, the Mutant Apes require a more edgy and unmanageable vibe to them. Collectors deceive been snapping up these NFTs due as at once as their Bored Ape counterparts.

7. Autoglyphs

Autoglyphs are another one of a kind NFT solicitation that takes superiority of computational processes to sire art. Each Autoglyph is created using a dues algorithm and is solely unique. Although the amassment has not 512 pieces, the intricate designs and imaginative power of technology make Autoglyphs a highly sought-after collection.

8. Axie Infinity

Axie Infinity is a trendy NFT plot that has bewitched the blockchain creation beside storm. Players can draw up and breed digital creatures called "Axies," each with its own lone characteristics and attributes. Axies can be habituated to to battle other players and deserve rewards. The Axie Infinity NFT accumulation has enhance so popular that an entire ecosystem has grown round it, with players trading and selling Axies for real-world cash.

9. Plank Ape Kennel Join

The Bored Ape Kennel Club is a supplemental NFT aggregation that focuses on, you guessed it, dogs. Each Bored Ape Kennel Guild NFT features a enchanting cub with its own together big cheese and pedigree. The amassment is rapidly gaining lionization sum total dog lovers and NFT collectors alike.

10. Ringers

Ringers is a solitary NFT solicitation that combines mastery and music. Each Ringer is a batch of 10,000 consonant digital rings, each with a distinct sound. Collectors can buy and rat on Ringers on the marketplace, and reciprocate bring into play them to beget their own music. As the value of rare Ringers continues to increase, this garnering is unflinching to invent a myriad of buzz.

In conclusion, the world of NFT collections is inexhaustible and ever-growing. Whether you're a established accumulator or fair getting started, there are plentifulness of exciting collections to explore and contribute in. From established collections like CryptoPunks to up-and-coming projects like Ringers, the possibilities are endless.
by nftdropsfaw (2023-05-20 11:17) 


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by JacobGluff (2023-05-20 14:02) 

